I need a little Thyme

March 11, 2023

In the age of fast and convenient food, it is always possible to make the effort to make a tasty dish like the ones our parents made.

Food needs time to be prepared but also time to infuse. Fast food can only taste good and be nutritious if it is prepared beforehand. The classic Welsh “Cawl” although delicious on the day of making is better on the second, if not the third.

My recent attempts at a beef casserole began with left over lamb bones. A stock made from water and boiling the said bones until any meats had fallen off. The next day it was time for the beef and root vegetables. Day 3 and it is more vegetables and stock having enjoyed casserole for supper. Day 4 and its a Cottage Pie. Baked twice with added cheddar on the mash.

Now the flavours have developed and the textures are something quite special.
