December 22, 2021

Last Christmas

I must say i do like listening to the radio at  this time of year. All the old Christmas hits. Slade, Wizard, even Band Aid. Wham remembering “Last Christmas”. What…

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December 13, 2021

A Christmas Sausage Fest

When entertaining overseas visitors it is a good idea to at least look up cuisine from their homeland. If the said visitor is from Canada then it is even money…

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December 10, 2021

Chicken Noodle Soup

Regular readers will know of my fondness for a fast, hot, tasty, and low SYN lunch; the much maligned, instant noodle pots (see Making your own noodle soup is…

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December 6, 2021

Pub Lunch?

I was brought up with many sagely bits of wisdom and manners. After all “manners maketh the man”. One such pearl was, “if you cant say something nice, better say…

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