“Let Them Eat Cake!” Infamously attributed to Marie Antoinette, the last Queen of France, who uttered these words upon hearing the peasants were dying of starvation following a disastrous wheat crop, poor management and rodent infestation.
These words didn’t see the light of day until almost 50 years after her death and are a mis-translation; brioche not cake is mentioned in the original French. Play with words long enough and you can paint a picture of the dead as you will – who cares about the truth!
Last weekend, I set about baking again; making some choux pastry as documented in another post; and a 3 tier sponge cake.
I have said it before, I find the whole process of cooking to be therapeutic and get a huge amount of satisfaction from baking. Alas, I cannot eat what I make, therefore it is easier to give away.
Making enough vanilla batter to fill a 20cm, 15cm, & 11 cm cake tin, I produced a 20cm & 11cm Lemon Victoria sponge with vanilla fondant – & a more finished 15cm sponge with vanilla fondant centre and finished with vanilla icing.
Each cake arrived at deserving locations as a part of “Brakes2Cakes” and the feedback was most humbling.
”Lush” – Cath
“You missed your calling – beautiful cake” – Andrew
“I didn’t get a sniff of the cake – all gone before I turned around” – AT
Whilst they enjoy, “let them eat cake!”