I’ve Lost my Mojo!

January 29, 2019

Whoever said small changes yeild large rewards wasn’t a lair. In the same way we use the acronym “KISS” (Keep It Simple Stupid).

The Latest Supper was inspired by this thinking. Keep everything as simple and as easy as possible.  It should not come as a shock that peasant food all over this world conforms to the KISS thinking. Using what is plentiful and affordable to make something edible and if its enjoyable – well that’s the bonus! The drawback is, you are likly to be eating this food on a regular basis for quite some time.

Canarian cuisine is fairly simple yet the use of ingredients and cooking methods means the mundane can be transformed into a veritable feast. This cooking takes time; as does all cooking but, the Canarian way assumes the Spanish ‘manana’ & therefore a dish cannot be rushed. Favourite meats are rabbit, chicken and of course fish.

So for my menu; Canarian potatoes with mojo (mo’ho), Salmon fillets in garlic with a mixed salad. Canarian potatoes are served with mojo which is a sauce. There are usually two kinds served the green (corriander based) and red (paprika based). Each kitchen has its own recipe and method for making which is quite a culinary journey in itself. Making the potatoes is an art which should be underestimated. 


Cover small salad potatoes if Canarian are not available, with water adding 2 tablespoons of sea salt. Boil the potatoes for approximately 20 minutes. Drain most of the liquid and return the pan to the heat, vigorously moving the poatoes so they do not stick to the pan until all the water has evaporated and the potatoes have a salty coating.


For red: blend 2 red peppers roughly chopped, 6 garlic cloves crushed, 1 tsp cumin powder, 1 tsp paprika, 3-4 tbsp red wine vinegar, Olive oil, Sea salt to taste.

For green substitute green peppers and coriander for paprika.

Cooking the Salmon

I noted that most dishes come sizzling in olive oil to the table and usual with a fair amount of garlic. Barbecuing is a favoured method of cooking too. Lacing my pan with olive oil and garlic, I skined two salmon fillets and placed them into the inferno for approximately 5 minutes a side until cooked.

Mixed Salad

Included was grated carrot, sweetcorn, tomato and green peppers.

I am not a fan of salmon but I must say I really enjoyed this dish. As far as value/£ is concerned, the salmon was 1/2 price at the local store and all the other ingredients were in my pantry.