The thought of a four day weekend in Spring is something to look forward to. Unless of course, you’re a parent with school children. They get 14 days to celebrate Easter whilst their parents discover their own relationship with Deity, and are constant in prayer; for example, “Oh God what have they done now!”, “Jesus, let it be not raining so they can go out for a while”, and the obligatory “God give me strength!” That’s if one or both parents aren’t in work, and then it befalls to the grandparents.
As for the rest of us, a four day long weekend is a mixture of enjoyment, duty and work. As a cleric, is it the second busiest time of year in the church calendar.
The weekend began with a spring clean of sorts; donating clothing from a bursting wardrobe that no longer fit; 4 bags to be accurate.
Having spent several hours sorting and deciding, it was time to hit the gym for a short yet intense workout. Hitting and surpassing a previous “Personal Best” in my wake.
A dash home and quick shower and it was time set off for church to officiate at a Good Friday Communion service. A shorten version of a traditional Sunday service with the emphasis to be at the communion table for 3pm, marking the time Jesus died.
I love the congregation at Capel Y Crwys on Gower. Always smiles and good cheer, always ready to explore a new concept & always making this shepherd feel appreciated.
Another car journey negotiating the streams of caravans and day trippers all heading somewhere for the weekend. Finally returning home it was a quick change into my chef’s garb to prepare the feast for Good Friday. Invitations were sent out like Roman decrees. The menu itself, even though I say so myself, was a work of art, began to take shape.
And so the evening went; good food, good wine, and good companionship. Almost “poems and pints“, but not quite. The sheer joy of like minded people, who observe what the day is, and are thankful for the life we have in order to enjoy it, is nothing more than… miraculous. It does, of course, help when your guest arrives with a nice like Easter egg 😉
Saturday; and it is time to work on other projects. Decorating my office in a very fetching shade of, well, orange! The day is warm and the sun shines brightly and though we’re glad to be inside in the cool, we realize only so much can be done.
A brief siesta, and its time for dinner. A quick trawl of the Slimming World website and the decision is made: Spicy Bean Burgers with Cajun Wedges (SYN Free dining).
Another Supper; another success and its time to sleep for the tomorrow is Easter.
Thanks to drying paint the windows are open. I wake to the dawn chorus. A beautiful symphony performed by the local fowl – it is so tranquil for 4am! Awaken from my slumber I immediately clutch my iPhone and make my own proclamation unto the world – three little words – “He has risen”!
I attempt to extend my slumber after an obligatory visit, but alas, I capitulate. The day has dawned and it is time to feed before church.
I am spurred on though. It’s weigh-in day and I have lost an amazing 4.5lb in a week, taking me over the 2 stone barrier. I get a little badge to prove it too!
Over breakfast we celebrate Easter and tuck into our Easter eggs (sunny side up, of course).
More orange on the walls and finally, we can relax and go for a bike ride! The thought of said ride filled me with woe, but as I had suggested an ice cream, and there’s no better way to enjoy a treat than when it is earned. As a child, Hot Cross buns were special, only available for the 2 weeks of Easter. Nowadays, they are available 52 weeks of the year, and sadly, they become ordinary, which is a crying shame.
On wards we ventured on what was to be a short proving ride. Some five miles later, not only are we still alive, but also talking.
A visit to the harbour and a ‘Mr Whippy 99’! We people & dog watch on a glorious late afternoon. Bumping into friends and strangers alike, each having the time of day to chat. Wonderful!
As the sunsets on another wonderous Easter Day, we sit down to a traditional roast; beef minus the Yorkies (we’re on a diet!!). Before an episode of “Line of Duty” series 5 and bed.
Bank Holiday Monday and I am greeted once more by the chorus of feathers. Today like with s many of my country folk, is a gardening day. I say gardening, more playing about before a BBQ.
I ventured out early to the super-marche & DIY Store. Whilst returning my trolley, I noticed a car a few bays away with a flat tyre. Time for about face and return to the store. I inform customer services of the vehicle’s condition and they oblige my request of putting out a tannoy message. A minute of so passes before a lady approaches some what apprehensively. I explain the situation and we exchange pleasantries. She admits she had felt something strange in the steering. She also mentions she’s come out without her phone. I retrieve from my car an electric tyre pump. Suffice to say, I had completed my ‘good deed’ for the day.
Next it was a quick trawl of the DIY outlets and fuel for the car; I am homeward bound, just as the rest of the retail villages start to swell.
Pottering, hedging, strimming, talking, and more talking and it is time for a BBQ. Guests arrive. Team work in the kitchen and on the lawns – and suddenly it is evening and time to retire and reflect upon the Easter weekend, not before a cheeky homemade Pina Colada.

Easter a wondrous, joyous time that remembers the sacrifice of duty, the the pains of both flesh and spirit, the opportunity to wipe the slate clean, and start over. In us all we have the same opportunities; through work, sacrifice, companionship, sharing with compassion and doing our duty out of a sense of real love. The story started 2000 years ago, but is yet to be completed. There’s “more coming up after the break…“