Arguable the most important weekend in the Christian calendar is Easter. Good Friday, the day our Lord gave up His life on earth, fulfilling His destiny & The Father’s commandment, only to be resurrected upon the Sunday.
For most people in these days its purely a holiday not the holy day, from which the term is derived. It makes the start of a four day Bank Holiday. Traffic jams, endless cyclists and should the sun be out, as it is, everyone experiencing too much of a good thing and looking more like a lobster than the pasty, grey of our winter coat.
In the words of Ali G , “Keep it real”! Today isn’t just about the events in a far away city further away in time; moreover it is about who we are and how we transfer those events into our lives today. Legend, folklore and bedtime stories are all well and good. Today is about you! How will you resurrect? We’ve all borne our own crosses and been crucified by them.
What of the past? We’ll frankly my dears, “it is finished”!In the book of Revelation it says bluntly, “He will wipe away all tears from their eyes. There will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain. The old things have disappeared.”
Use this day wisely and well, for your yesterday has gone. Be awesome, be kind, be true, and above all else, be You