Do you watch the US foodie feeds and wonder why aren’t they dead by 30? I see loads of red meat and cheese. Even taking a Spaghetti Bolognese they seem to add 10k extra calories.
One import from over ‘the pond’ that I have tried and like is Loaded Potato Skins. Tonight I am serving these with a mixed salad of peppers and red kidney beans, with fresh lime zest and juice & a good handful of chopped coriander. These potatoes are cooked twice and really release their flavours.
- 500g of baby potatoes skins on air fried for 30mins
- 4 smoked bacon medallions
- 40g per person 50% reduced fat mature cheddar
- Dried Rosemary
- Salt, Pepper, and Extra Virgin Olive oil in an atomiser
- Pinch of nutmeg

- Line a baking tray with parchment and place the air fried potatoes on allowing space between
- Take a wire potato masher and flatten the potatoes
- Season with salt and pepper, scatter some Rosemary and give a squirt of olive oil to each potato
- Slice the bacon to make ribbon and place upon the potatoes
- Grate the cheese over ensuring a good coverage
- Add a pinch of nutmeg (to taste)
- Bake at 200C for approximately 20 minutes until the cheese is melted and golden
Tags: Americana, Free Foods, Loaded Skins, Potato, Slimming World, Tasty